Journey with the Owl

This is the beginning of my journey with the owl. It started in the summer of 2007.  This majestic creature came into my life in the most unexpected time and since then, I’ve been drawn to the owl for guidance over the years. This majestic animal is one of magnificent beauty strength, truth and wisdom. He is a creature of the night who can see all that is hidden and can’t be deceived. He is the embodiment of true wisdom.  I call on him and he is always close when I need clarity on any situation that stands in front of me.

The journey started on a stretch of road in Calgary. This particular evening, I was completely by myself with no other vehicles around. I had just come from a Reiki Share Group with beautiful soul-sisters who are there to support each other on our Reiki journey’s. On the drive home by myself, I was reflecting on the shared messages of the evening. One of the messages was quite simple, “if you don’t ask of spirit, spirit will wait and honour your freewill to choose.”

Hmmm, okay, I thought, let’s try this! So, in the car, I contemplated what to ask spirit. At this point, I have never in my life (that I was aware of) got any clarity from spirit so I felt a little silly to say the least!

In the car, I asked out load, “Spirit, give me a clear sign to what is my path and lesson in this lifetime?” I started naming off things, “Am I meant to be a geologist forever in the oil and gas companies of the Alberta?” Nothing… Okay. “Will I pursue a career in Reiki?” I thought this might be a legit question since I was a newly minted Reiki Master. Nothing. Still continue for another four or five questions and I was really starting to run out of questions to ask. One more try, “Am I here to accept myself, let go of control and love myself completely?” You need to understand that I never truly let go of anything, at this point, I was a control freak to date! And well, acceptance and loving myself was not even on the radar as a possibility as that wasn’t even in my conscious thought.

Well... I got the sign... A powerful, huge Great Horned Owl with a wing span of the width of my car, swooped in front of my windshield a half foot away! As he passed in front of the drivers side, he turned his head, we made eye contact. It was like everything stopped around us and that split second of connection lasted for a minute. When I close my eyes, I can still see the beauty on the detail of the wings, the chest, and the details of his face and those eyes!! He was scared, I could see but he had this message to carry from spirit and he knew the importance of it. I still see his eyes in that split second and the message it was sending.  “YES! That’s IT!! That is your purpose here and what you need to learn!!” I was completely shocked! HOLY MOLY! That moment will stay with me for a LONG time! I was quick to acknowledge and thank spirit for that clear message of affirmation! I got the message! Ha!

A couple of months later, an intuitive friend said to me, “I’m not sure if you got your message yet but it’ll be delivered by an owl." You bet I GOT it!!

This message is now deeply-rooted in my soul. That was a pivotal moment for me. Outward titles, things, achievements really mean nothing. To have deep love and acceptance for yourself and trust in each moment, is what will shoulder you through any situation that life throws at you.

Remember this, if you need guidance, call on Spirit to provide clear answers to your questions, you may just get more than you thought!


Taking the Detour


The Reiki Journey